Sara Simionato
Singer. Composer. Music Educator.

Sara Simionato è una cantante e compositrice nata a Venezia nel 1996, con un background che spazia dal jazz alla musica contemporanea.Intraprende lo studio della musica in giovane età avvicinandosi prima al pianoforte e poi al canto, e negli anni del liceo si interessa alla musica classica per poi dedicarsi alla musica jazz; nel 2021 conclude il percorso accademico di canto jazz presso il Conservatorio F. Venezze di Rovigo, laureandosi sia alla triennale che alla magistrale con il massimo dei voti e la lode.
Nel 2018 studia inoltre presso la Liszt Academy di Budapest grazie al progetto Erasmus Plus.
Nel 2023 conclude il biennio di composizione jazz presso il conservatorio G. Verdi di Milano, con 110 e lode e menzione accademica.Fin da subito si interessa all’esplorazione di vari generi musicali partecipando a seminari di canto, songwriting e improvvisazione come Arcevia Jazz Feast 2016 e Siena Jazz 2019 e partecipando a varie masterlcass con artisti internazionali.Prende parte a varie formazioni, dal duo alla big band, come cantante, band leader, compositrice e arrangiatrice, e si esibisce in vari contesti nazionali ed internazionali come il Casalini Jazz Nights 2019, il Budapest Jazz Club, l’Istituto di Cultura Italiana di Budapest, Jazz Area Metropolitana 2020 e Fara Jazz Fest 2021.Nel 2023/2024 svolge un tirocinio come assistente all'insegnamento presso il Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, dove attualmente tiene il corso di Techiche di Improvvisazione Vocale.
Porta avanti una ricerca riguardo l'esplorazione del processo compositivo attraverso la voce e l'embodiment.Pubblicazioni:- UnderSee, Sara Simionato 4tet (Emme Record Label, 2020)
- Endangered Species (B Label, 2022)
- A Sound's A Million Shapes, Alessia Obino (Domanda Music, 2023), featuring as a backing vocalist
- Librarsi (Habitable Records, 2025)*Sara Simionato is an Antwerp-based singer and composer, born in Venice in 1996, with a background ranging from jazz to contemporary music.Her musical studies begun at a young age, approaching first piano and then singing. During high school she studied chamber music and at the age of 18 she began her jazz studies. In 2021, she graduated with highest honors in Jazz Singing from Conservatorio F. Venezze (Rovigo). As part of her bachelor's studies, she studied for one year at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest.
In 2023 she completed the master in Jazz Composition at "Conservatorio G. Verdi" (Milan), with 110 with honors and academic distinction.Over the years she took part in singing, songwriting and improvisation seminars and studied with renowned international artist such as Evan Parker, Dena De Rose, Michelle Hendricks, Kálmán Oláh, Claudio Fasoli, Avishai Cohen, Theo Bleckmann and Jen Shyu.
She performs in various projects, from duos to big band, as singer, band leader, composer and arranger. She is performing in various renowned venues in Italy and in Europe.In 2023–2024, she completed an internship as a teaching assistant at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, where she is currently teaching Vocal Improvisation Techniques and doing research on the investigation of the compositional process through voice and embodiment.Publications:- UnderSee, Sara Simionato 4tet (Emme Record Label, 2020)
- Endangered Species (B Label, 2022)
- A Sound's A Million Shapes, Alessia Obino (Domanda Music, 2023), featuring as a backing vocalist
- Librarsi (Habitable Records, 2025)

Librarsi is a contemporary jazz septet, co-written with Corrado Cerutti. The project blends jazz elements with minimalistic and classical colours, presenting arrangements and orchestrations that follow a contemporary aesthetics.
The self-titled album will be published on January 31st, 2025 by Habitable Records.

The project Endangered Species is the outcome of an artistic residency organised by Bacàn association in collaboration with the Archeological Museum of Vicenza.
The resulting album was published in 2022 by B Label.

Sara Simionato Trio is a contemporary jazz trio featuring voice, piano, clarinet and cello. The original compositions explore minimalistic textures in a chamber music aesthetic.

Sara Simionato 4tet is Sara's debut project as singer, composer and bandleader.
The quartet explores modern jazz textures with contemporary influences.
The album UnderSee was released in 2020 by Emme Record Label.

Sara Simionato Ensemble is Sara's first large ensemble, where she features as singer, composer and bandleader.
The ensemble presents modern jazz composition and arrangements, wandering between various musical styles and looking for a fresh and unique sound.
compositions and performances
Three Movements: music for contemporary dancers
Three Movements: Music for Contemporary Dancers (2023) is a suite for Jazz Symphonic Orchestra, composed and consucted by Sara Simionato with the VJO
Songs & Poems

Songs & Poems (2024) is an improvised song cycle around a selection of Walt Whitman's poems.
Air: music for voice, guitar, accordion and AI
Air: Music for Voice, Guitar, Accordion and AI (2024) is a performance that explores the possibilities of improvising with the AI program RAVE
cibernetica e fantasmi: music for voice, guitar and AI
Cibernetica e Fantasmi: Music for Voice, Guitar and AI (2023) is a performance around Italo Clavino's Lezioni Americane that explores the possibilities of improvising with the AI program Somax
Te Passi de Giorno da Porto Marghera
Te Passi de Giorno da Porto Marghera (2023) is a Venetian folk song written by Luisa Ronchin and arranged by Sara Simionato for OCV
Improvvisa - Haiku
Haiku (2021) is a semi-improvised song cycle for voice, keyboard and electronics, performed for Bacan during the festival Improvvisa
Sara Simionato - voice, lyrics, composition
Corrado Cerutti - guitar, composition
Baptiste Stanek - clarinets, flute
Ignat Khlobystin - flute
Mathilde Vendramin - cello
Thiago de Azevedo Duarte - double bass
Stefano Grasso - drumsIl gruppo nasce a Milano all'inizio del 2022 dall’idea di Sara Simionato e Corrado Cerutti di scrivere musica per un organico allargato e sperimentare tecniche compositive diverse. Il progetto deriva da una composizione a quattro mani che mescola momenti di scrittura pura a momenti di improvvisazione libera.
La ricerca si volge all'interno di un gruppo non propriamente jazzistico, ma con uno stampo cameristico moderno con vari richiami alle personali esperienze musicali dei leader. L'attenzione è rivolta, sia nella scelta dei musicisti che in quella compositiva, ad un senso di leggerezza e semplicità. Da qui il nome Librarsi come a simboleggiare un momento di volo in una musica che nasce dalla cooperazione e dall'unione delle idee. Un altro tema che accompagna la scrittura e l'esecuzione è quello del minimalismo e degli Haiku giapponesi: brevi composizioni poetiche che riflettono sul rapporto tra l’uomo e la natura. L’idea stessa degli Haiku sembra di chiarissima coerenza con la ricerca musicale: una leggerezza infinita mescolata a dei contrasti che potessero esaltarla al meglio.*Librarsi is a music project born in Milan at the beginning of 2022; Sara Simionato and Corrado Cerutti, composers and co-leaders, came together with the intent of writing music for a large ensemble and experiment with new compositional techniques.
The project soon turned into a research towards a common aesthetics, resulting in something truly unique.
The original compositions blend jazz elements with minimalistic and classical colours, presenting arrangements and orchestrations that follow a contemporary aesthetics.
Librarsi means "to soar" and represents an imaginary musical flight that is meant to inspire lightness and softness.
Most of the compositions take inspiration from the Japanese Haiku poems: brief compositions that reflect the relationship between humans and nature, and mirror the minimalistic and essential ideas that we try to convey through our music.The first self-titled album was reseased on January 31st 2025 with Habitable Records.

Sara Simionato Trio
Sara Simionato - voice, keyboards
Chiara Parolo - clarinet
Daniele Tessarin - celloIl Trio di Sara Simionato nasce nel 2021, in occasione del diploma magistrale di canto jazz della band leader.
Il progetto ricerca nuove sonorità nel contesto di un ensemble di tipo cameristico, proponendo composizioni originali e riarrangiamenti dal sapore jazzistico, con una forte influenza dell'avanguardia minimalista.
Questo trio vuole esplorare i rapporti sonori tra i singoli strumenti, mettendoli tutti sullo stesso piano in un'ottica di dialogo e cooperazione.*Sara Simionato's Trio was born in 2021, on the occasion of the band leader's master's degree in jazz singing.
The project seeks new sounds in the context of a chamber-type ensemble, proposing original compositions and rearrangements with a jazz flavour, with a strong influence from the minimalist avant-garde.
This trio wants to explore the sonic relationships between the individual instruments, putting them all on the same level with a view to dialogue and cooperation.

Endangered Species
Bacàn residency project no. 1
Sara Simionato - voice
Sean Lucariello - trumpet
Thomas Lasca - guitar
Stefano Maimone - bass
Daniele Patton - drumsIl progetto nasce a settembre 2021 nel contesto della prima residenza artistica organizzata dall'associazione Bacàn, svoltasi al Museo Naturalistico Archeologico di Vicenza.
I temi sono il green living e la sostenibilità ambientale, elaborati sottoforma di composizioni originali e di improvvisazioni.A gennaio 2022 esce su tutte le piattaforme digitali il disco registrato durante la residenza, in cui i brani originali sono intervallati da momenti di improvvisazione libera ispirati alla cornice suggestiva dei colli Berici.*The project was born in September 2021 in the context of the first artistic residency organised by the Bacàn association, held at the Archeological Museum of Vicenza.
The themes are green living and environmental sustainability, elaborated in the form of original compositions and improvisations.IThe album recorded during the residency was released in January 2022 on all digital platforms; the original compositions are interspersed with moments of free improvisation inspired by the evocative setting of the Berici hills.

Sara Simionato 4tet
Sara Simionato - voice, composition
Luca Zennaro - guitar
Francesco Pollon - keyboards and synth
Cristian Tiozzo - drumsIl progetto nasce per dare vita alle composizioni di Sara Simionato ed ognuna di esse vuole raccontare una storia.
Ogni brano deriva da un ascolto, una poesia o un semplice pensiero che si tramutano in un’idea musicale e danno voce a emozioni profonde.
“to undersee” significa vedere le cose oltre la superficie; questi pezzi derivano da un percorso di introspezione e di maturazione.
Il disco è dunque un racconto di crescita e di scoperta, dove ogni brano d’assieme è collegato al successivo tramite degli interludi più intimi e raccolti.
Ci auguriamo che questo viaggio musicale possa essere condiviso da chi lo ascolta e magari rivissuto ogni volta sotto nuove prospettive.Riconoscimenti:
- Primo premio al concorso "Hybrid Music Festival 2019"
- Finalisti al concorso "Bettinardi" 2021*This project was born to give life to Sara Simonato’s compositions and each one of them tries to tell a story through music.
Every song comes from a listening, a poetry or a simple thought that turn into a musical idea, giving voice to deep feelings.
“to undersee” is to see things below the surface; these pieces come from a path of self-exploration and maturity.
This record is an account of self growth and discovery, where every song is linked to the other through a more intimate interlude.
We hope that this musical journey will be shared by the listener and maybe lived again in new ways.Awards:
- First prize at "Hybrid Music Festival 2019"
- Final candidate for "Bettinardi" jazz contest 2021

Sara Simionato Ensemble
Il progetto nasce nel 2018 con l'intento di sperimentare nuovi arrangiamenti e sonorità nel contesto di un ensemble allargato, in cui i fiati sono in dialogo con la voce della band leader Sara Simionato.
Il repertorio si compone di brani originali e brani della tradizione jazzistica, ma non solo. Il progetto spazia tra vari stili musicali ricercando sempre un suono fresco e originale.
Nel 2019, l'ensemble si esibisce al Casalini Jazz Festival di Rovigo.*The project was born in 2018 to experiment new sounds and arrangements in the context of a large ensemble, where the horns dialogue with the voice of the band leader Sara Simionato.
The repertoire is made of original music and jazz standards, but the project wanders between various musical styles, looking for a fresh and unique sound.
In 2019, the ensemble took part in the Casalini Jazz Festival in Rovigo.

UnderSee was released on December 30th 2020 by Emme Record Label.

a sounds' a million shapes
A Sound's A Million Shapes is Alessia Obino's album, where Sata features as chorister. The record was released on February 2024 by Domanda Music.
Sara’s singing lessons are designed to help each student express themselves to the fullest, accompanying them in the process of discovering their own voice. She teaches a variety of activities related to voice which are helpful to the singer: vocal technique, body awareness, musical improvisation and play; all in the context of the preferred repertoire.
During her lessons she ranges from vocal technique to music theory with the intent of creating a personal and varied repertoire that follows the aptitude and predisposition of the student.
She also offers the opportunity to explore the area of composition and songwriting.Classes will take place in Antwerp; all classes also available online and in person.Please contact [email protected] for more information.